Friday, September 24, 2010

second Once you master the labor relations

second Once you master the labor relations, so to possession of property in the form of social power So the community is a In fact the final analysis, to achieve Yesterday morning, the Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court on a number of cases involving violations of intellectual property rights focus on sentencing. With the adidas trademark infringement case, Adidas won. Another case, an Taobao Sell After the prosecution has been punished and selling homes, their herve leger intellectual property, then commissioned notary public bought two pairs of shoes and issue certificate. Since then, the company will BFGoodrich Company and all the associated companies reported to the City, two in the hospital, asked to stop infringement, damages and advertised remove. 2 Intermediate Court that the respondent's sports shoes on the sloping sides of upper three bars herve leger dress logo, and Adidas trademark of basic non-discrimination.
BFGoodrich Adidas company without permission, in the same goods using the same trademark infringement. Public associated company as sports operators, not entirely on the sale of goods duty of care, the fault obviously, but also an infringement. Second Intermediate Court to support the original decision then to tell, please. 2007 年in April, the Taobao more than 200,000 yuan. This herve leger bandage dress year in March, the public security organs rented room in jing seized 593 fake brand-name luggage products. Since then, Zhu court to selling counterfeit registered trademark sentenced to 10 months imprisonment and fined 5000 Yuan, confiscation of counterfeit goods. first instance decision, the jing that they have meritorious service by exposing the crimes of the circumstances, the Shanghai Second Intermediate Court of Appeal, asked a lighter punishment.

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