Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2009 prices on domestic real estate market quickly soared

2009 prices on domestic real estate market quickly soared, pushing up bank credit is basically the result of .2009 2 christian louboutin trillion in new real christian louboutin shoes estate loans, accounting for the new loan amount, 21.9% , accounting for 11.1% increase over the previous year, up by christian louboutin sale 1.5 trillion yuan more. individuals to purchase housing loans, which increased 1.4 trillion for 2008, 5 times 2 times in 2007. and this trend is still in the first quarter of 2010 continued into the real estate loans increased sharply.
Based on the above data, the risk of regulatory tests to see there are two: First, since 2009, despite soaring prices for the domestic housing market into a world market dominated by speculation However, house prices fell by about 30% has little effect on the bank. and its non-performing loans, including the rise in bank profits decrease, the size of loan losses and related industries may lead to credit losses. but in my opinion, this is actually a static of data. because in speculation-driven real estate market, investors are not concerned with housing prices down, but more concerned with house prices expected. If the market is expected to decline in range, to that house prices fall to 30% of the stop is not possible, as the case of stock prices. Therefore, speculation-driven real estate market price is not a static price.
Second, the regulatory department of housing loans by the total to observe the proportion of loans to real estate credit risk. compared to Europe and the United States, the proportion of housing credit in China is still at a very low level (China accounted for 22%, while the western countries over 80%). but the author must be pointed out that is that the Chinese real estate market and the European market is quite different markets. such as market development period (in China only 10 years, while Europe and the United States nearly a century), housing structure (1, the proportion of second-hand, over 85% of China's Yi Shoufang , while the United States and Europe is only 15%). is because the market is completely different in nature, with the proportion of credit to determine the level of credit risks in China real estate is not appropriate.

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