Friday, January 14, 2011

Yellow sea)
Win a new agency to pull Sa to give or get an electric shock(the reporter is slowly and Chang-an) on December 29 at 2010 age end moment

《Hong Kong and service promoter in Macau establish an individual proprietorship hospital to manage in the hinterland temporary way 》and 《 Taiwan service promoter establish an individual proprietorship hospital to manage a temporary way in the mainland 》 all from implement from January 1, 2011.(Source:New China net)
(Responsibility editor:Yellow sea)
Win a new agency to pull Sa to give or get an electric shock(the reporter is slowly and Chang-an) on December 29 at 2010 age end moment, English 《Chinese newspaper 》 pulls Sa City to hold a rites in interborough capital in Tibet on the evening of the 29th and announces to establish the report Tibet is reporter is station.
Medium total interborough party Wei in Tibet often the Wei and the publicity department minister Cui jade English attend here a Jie card rites combine common is the report reporter in Tibet station Jie card.Cui Yu Ying speaks that Chinese newspaper agency establishes reporter is station in Tibet, for enlargement front side publicity Tibet and Jie batch reach to depend on strength for group and support a motherland unified with race united, strengthen nations to wade the positive voice of hiding the public opinion, have very important meaning for cross over type development in Tibet and growing curing long Anne to construct good external public opinion environment, .

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